Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kyphosis the Office Worker

Kyphosis is actually a pronounced curve in the more expensive spine as the diagram below illustrates. The it's almost guaranteed that if you're reading this you're probably sitting at a operating system. All of us newer will use a computer and also a large majority of people ought to sat at a office and do most if not all of there work sat facing your computer. Typically people working with all the computer will be slumped, leaning forward inside the computer screen, the shoulders frequently rolled forward and the neck results in it becoming long. Over a period of time the pectoral muscles with a front of the chest will shorten which then will bring the shoulders forward and tighten your muscle mass on the upper in exchange. This will have distinct effects.

Effects of postural kyphosis


Tight shoulders

Compresses a thorough lungs causing possible breathing difficulties

Compresses dimensions organs leading to bright digestion problems.

Energetically obstruction of the lung channel again initiating respiratory problems

Instability of the shoulder joint

Possible reason for headaches

There are a variety of kyphosis but as a Massage practitioner For a nice and mainly concerned with postural kyphosis what a condition I see and treat per day.

Everything is connected

Everything inside you is linked so if a person thing goes wrong there needs to be a chain reaction in the event that a muscle tightens there must an effect on merging muscles and structure.

The client during the consultation will complain about tight shoulders and also on Physical examination will find that between the shoulder blades together with surrounding area feel crispy. A lot of Therapist can be straight to the back to you and treat there because that's where the problem is coming from and you will expect you get started on there because they believe that's where the thing is coming from. The shoulders are tight but are tight because they are called long not short. If you roll your shoulders forward and inwards for one's chest you will feel your spine tighten. Further more in this position you will see that this compresses the bosom impairing the lungs function to be expanded to its full capacity and by bending forward compression the internal organs will results in.

If you consider just how long you spend sitting from the computer you have some reckoned how serious this healthy environment is, lets say you job a 37 hour week so you spend 148 hours every 4 weeks in this position. In late the day sat in a computer, people will get in touch with there car, get home and slump in front of the TV constantly being in one poor position.

The negative cycle

What's worse is it once this position defines adapted this becomes the most popular position for the body to be in. If a person slumps at there desk and try to tries to adapt an ideal posture by sitting absolutely, pulling the shoulders back and putting the neck/head to a correct position it will result in pain because the body has adapted from an incorrect position and because as trying to correct pore posture it causes pain (mainly because the breasts are short) the person will go back to slumping because that's determine feels normal. At this stage the muscle would be regarded as chronically tight.

When muscles are tight the availability of blood flow is restricted. The blood flow a good responsible fro maintenance, repair and carrying away waste products from the muscles. When blood flow is restricted the muscle doesn't get nutrients and waste builds up. This is the start of the negative cycle causing the posterior tibial muscle to tense up more the actual fibres to harden resulting loss of movement and pain.

In this position your muscle tissue that attach to the back of the neck are seems to stretched so again possibly this could restrict the blood flow in this area which could be a possible cause of headaches.

Correct treatment

Release of the actual pectorals muscles thus realigning the shoulders and helping the muscles would be tight on the upper in the correct position

Massage of the upper back and shoulder

Treatment of back and hip flexors

Releasing the neck with Massage and always stretches

Advice and Exercises

Core stability- these are the abdominal muscles and the muscles around the center of your body which provide stability within spine giving you strength by sitting correctly

Correct posture see groups below

Stretching of muscles more than ever pectorals, lower back, lower hip flexors. See my sheet towards stretches

Pilates class

Further reading

Nhs direct- visit a video on kyphosis and read more explanations on a right condition
http: //www. nhs. uk/Conditions/Kyphosis/Pages/Introduction. aspx? url=Pages/What-is-it. aspx

Advice regarding how to sit correctly whilst utilizing a laptop or desktop
http: //www. nhs. uk/Livewell/workplacehealth/Pages/Howtositcorrectly. aspx


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