Friday, December 13, 2013

Warning - Before you pay money Become a Massage Therapist

I was in the last week of my Specialist Massage course. The teacher stood over class and said, "Now, usually the life of a Therapist happens to be between two and four years! "

What? I've just spent half a year and over ten thousand dollars for a new path - and statistically I'll have to last just 2 yrs!

The class of 20 discussed it and also now we decided that we would certainly prove it wrong. We all planned to fulfill its purpose and rich Therapists living a good life, choosing the hours it's good to work and the clients we wanted to address.

Well... two years have finally passed since that big event. And the results are near surprising - considering i was all so committed the proving the information wrong.

In brief, one classmate wouldn't extinguish their night filling job and spend on her new career. She didn't wake until lunch without having to got going. Another was waiting until they can afford the best Massage table for sale, and never got interested in. Two others went straight due to their jobs they had before studying in that , liked the security. Another young man worked at your 5 star clinic for a number of weeks before realizing fox didn't like feeling 'oily' invariably. Two more injured each of their lower backs from wrong table heights and bad posture and located it too hard to remain. One by one I ticked them using a list.

Two years later as well as the twenty in my own diamond ring class, only four family are still massaging. I have just taken with them before this accomplishment, and 'They all love what they're doing - but have yet to met their financial could use. ' We thought we can choose the hours and also clients we wanted, but actuality that we are towards the beck and call of anyone who calls.

Looking at it than perspective, the four family still working as fulltime Massage Therapists were the natural healers in the class. We have warm hands all of us work and really look after the well-being of all this kind of we meet. Not to the fact that others in my class are not nice people... maybe not only for natural healers.

I merely wanted to give a quick warning to opportunity seekers considering the profession. Don't think the brochures without your own research. Be sure to go several Massages and talk with Therapists nearly before you sign.

My class thought i would prove the statistics wrong. We didn't.


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